The Weird
An Original Horror Comedy Audio Drama Podcast and Tabletop Role-Playing Game
What is The Weird?
The Weird is a horror/comedy TTRPG podcast influenced by Twin Peaks, The X-Files, (and some wildcards like Gravity Falls), that leans heavily into an immersive audio fiction experience, emphasizing character-building, storytelling, and generally spooky nonsense. More than just a show, The Weird is also an original game for the PbtA system, written by creator and show-runner Charles Kelly. Listeners have the chance to be part of the development process and get their own copy of The Weird to play with their friends!
Hear The Latest Episode
Cultists, prehistoric monsters, ghosts in the machine, and two bickering idiots in a Ford Fiesta.
An original TTRPG that you, the listener, get to help create and bring to its final form.